Hello again dear readers …. Our purple lines continue (in fact … they will not cease) and in this opportunity I wish to extend to you a vital, necessary and pertinent invitation: WEAR PURPLE GLASSES to enter into the proper mimicry of the gender perspective and thus begin the co-construction of a world free of inequalities and discrimination.
Surely, you are wondering: Where does this idea of using violet lenses to generate spaces for joint development in humanity without biases come from? And how would this contribute effectively to the proper application of the gender perspective that permeates even beyond the legislative, everyday behaviour?
On these aspects, it´s appropriate to share from literature (my beloved friend) a text written by Spanish author Gemma Lienas that was published in 2001: Carlota’s violet diary, which generated a turning point in literature by introducing with a title and perhaps without thinking about it, a provocative metaphor for the so-called awareness-raising to which Ana de Miguel and Celia Amorós allude, for as long as an anomalous situation is not recognised, it is not possible to build synergies and find a solution to it.

In this sense, the allegory of putting on the violet glasses is perceived as a feminist reading of the world, which translates into detecting the discriminations subjected to women by the hegemony of patriarchy and which is evidenced not only in macho but also in sexist behaviour.
In this lines, the book has received the approval not only of feminist collectives, but also of the general public, recognising it as a SINE QUA NON manual in the identification of discriminatory patterns in society, which, as time goes by, inequalities acquire a chameleon-like appearance, making them subtle and even in some situations less visible, but which are submerged like an iceberg.
In this way, putting on the purple glasses, or in other words using gender lenses, makes it possible to recognise situations that violate human rights, because that is what women’s rights are, which we previously perceived within the normalisation scale. And which The purple glasses grant us the power of the gender perspective, without which it would not have been possible to analyse the transgressive differences.

Regarding the gender perspective, we share Lagarde’s (1996) position when she states that it does not refer exclusively to the study of women, but rather to the relations between women and men, and how these have generated a lack of opportunities, limited rights, and inequalities for the former. For this reason, Lagarde (1996) is emphatic when she states that the gender perspective serves to identify, question, and evaluate the discrimination, inequality and exclusion of women that is justified on the basis of biological differences between the genders. It also contributes to the analysis and understanding of the similarities and differences between women and men, and the characteristics that define them.
Now, turning back to the text, it is precisely a diary that is the catalyst, the gift that was despised at the beginning and that became the observation log in which we find the protagonist, just as you have asked yourselves: Who invented the idea that in love matters, boys have to take the initiative? Why is it frowned upon for boys to cry, and why can’t they show that they are afraid? Why is the physical appearance of girls more important than that of boys? Why are 70% of the world’s poor women? Why is home economics and labour assigned to women as the undisputed role in some communities?
All these questions and others that weave together from personal and family experiences, institutional environments such as school and interactions in society in which Gemma Lienas masterfully shows us a reality, which may be our own and just at that intersection of the story, that we believe fictional, is the violet correlate and minds open as our antipode against discrimination. What do you think? Do you dare to perceive life with purple lenses?
As a final reflection, let us bear in mind that without the purple glasses it would not have been possible to build not only the legal, but also the sociological and cultural scaffolding of the gender perspective without which today we would continue to accept education, sexual and reproductive health, labour dignity, freedom and autonomy to be women without stigmas for decisions and manifestations as privileges and not as rights.
For these primeval reasons I invite you to check out Carlota’s violet diary, it is more than a juvenile text as it has been catalogued in some book review pages, I personally view it as a roadmap to the dawn of feminism as a political practice and an equalising way of life.
Will you accept the invitation and wear the purple glasses?
As always, thanks for reading me …. and remember to check out the B-10 women’s posts. A VIOLET SORECER!
Until the next purple lines